If you are interested in working with us, please fill out the form below and it will be reviewed. If we have found your application to be a fit with what we are looking for, we will follow up with you.
Our Team will go through 1,000 resumes and applications before choosing the best fit for Counseling Shortcuts.
We believe that children around the world deserve a change to succeed. At Counseling Shortcuts, for every student that works with us, we fund many students in India and abroad. Our goal is to help underserved communities go to school.
Whether students are in the India or around the globe, Counseling Shortcuts believes with the right communities, educational opportunities, and motivation, a child can dream big and fulfill their goals in life.
At Counseling Shortcuts we believe that females are the leaders of tomorrow. With our ever-changing beliefs around women, We believe that empowering women and being a role model for teens will help the next generation of leaders.
Over years the team has been passionate about education. We at Counseling Shortcuts believe that success is more than just getting into good schools and getting good jobs. It is about living a passion-filled purpose that drives the next generation to make change in the world.
Over years the team has been passionate about education. We at Counseling Shortcuts believe that success is more than just getting into good schools and getting good jobs. It is about living a passion-filled purpose that drives the next generation to make change in the world.