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To Empower students to make lifelong, responsible and meaningful choices in a global and dynamic world. We will accomplish this by building personal relationships in a professional yet helping environment.
Be the preferred choice for the students who are goal oriented, determined and wish to pursue education without any obstacles.
Like any other brand Counseling Shortcuts too did not emerge overnight it took years of research and thousands of detailed analysis for the team to come up with this idea. Everything that has been an integral part of the initiative is well prepared keeping in mind the requirements of students and particularly the ed-tech industry, there is a lot new that has not been given any thought till date in the education industry. Counseling Shortcuts aims at making education so affordable and accessible that no one ever feels deprived to get educated. The model of Counseling Shortcuts has been made keeping in mind that at any cost we have to be education centric rather than business centric.
We plan to use virtual reality to deliver a world-class educational experience to students anywhere in the world. With just a headset and an Internet connection, students can select from a faculty of great teachers, access a wide variety of classes, attend guest lectures by leading thinkers, collaborate with other students around the world and take near limitless field trips. It's coming soon.
Innovation is a way of Life at Counseling Shortcuts
A world-class robust education should be available to every student regardless of where they live or their economic status.
Virtual-reality and technology-based learning are not saviors for education, but new and exciting tools for disseminating great teaching, concepts, experiences and activities.
The time teachers spend with students, whether in real life or a virtual world, should be interactive and engaging.
The immersive nature of virtual reality is a promising way for students to experience education as compared to a traditional screen-based platform or a large classroom setting.
Students should be empowered to choose an education that meets their needs and is flexible in supporting a student’s college, career and life interests.
There is a perfect teacher for every student in every subject--technology today can facilitate these matches.
Great teachers have so much more to offer to the field than can be provided one classroom at a time.
Counseling Shortcuts stands by you all the way to ensure that you achieve your learning goals.
We are “Committed to Excellence”
Get reliable access to learning wherever you are and whenever you need it. Leverage live sessions from our experts and live Q&A sessions. What if you miss any class? Don’t worry, we got you covered.
Live screen sharing, step-by-step live demonstrations and live Q&A led by industry experts.
Access our real-world learning platform which is not only User-friendly but helps you learn, create, communicate and collaborate from anywhere.
'Practice makes a man perfect', then why miss it, especially when it's FREE. We organize mock interviews, assignments and practice sessions, just so that you're a step ahead of the rest.
Well, 'Networking Works'! We are associated with MNC companies that will give you the opportunity to work on live projects.
Apart from the valued certificate that you’ve earned; we’ll also help you create a professional CV and guide you through interview questions.
Students, anywhere, can have front row seats to the best teachers, experiences and field trips available to all no matter where they live. Students will be able to access a substantially larger course catalogue than a regular school knowing that each is taught by an exemplary teacher. Experiences that are critical to learning, but are otherwise too expensive or too dangerous, will become commonplace. Virtual field trips can be a daily occurrence.
Unlike a classroom experience or online study, the teacher and the class designer can control all aspects of the environment. The experiences can be created to be engaging, while eliminating the distractions of the outside world.
Live lectures are no longer limited by physical space or geography. Students can join a lecture or an experience as if they are there. Students can ask questions, have small group discussions, work with their “seat partner,” and have a side line conversation with a TA all without leaving their home.
With large student and faculty population’s signing in remotely, the opportunity for mass customization and segmentation of class offerings will ensure more students receive the classes that are best for them. Thousands of unique, but exemplary courses, can be offered to students across all conceivable subjects ensuring a student can find a course that matches their skill level and learning style. It also creates opportunities for increasing access to classes not commonly offered at a typically high performing high school. A teacher with a unique passion for an obscure topic, will be much more likely to find a class full of students that share their passion.
A virtual classroom is easy for teachers to manage and provides a safe space for all students. Teachers are able to control all communications between students and monitor discussions. Late arriving or normally disruptive students no longer intrude on the learning of others. Students are represented in virtual reality by an avatar where they can express themselves, but also protect their identities. Students will be empowered to participate in class. Bullying will no longer exist. Students will not have to fear their social standing
because of what makes them unique. They will also be able to find a large community that is just like them through virtual student clubs and activities.
Currently our education system targets the average student, meaning very few overall are receiving a well designed education. Through virtual reality, students will be able to find a class for each subject that meets their needs. For example, if a student is gifted in math, but a struggling reader, classes can be matched to meet both needs. If a city experiences an influx of refugees from a country, these students can be matched with compatriots in other cities that will ease their transition toward learning English and providing continuity of their education.
By taking away geography as a factor, students in California can learn Mandarin from a Chinese instructor, while a student in Hawaii can learning about the biological life cycle from a farm in Wisconsin. Students can also explore colleges and careers that are far beyond their local area. Ensuring that students find their passions and prepare for college and a career that may take them far beyond what their local community can offer.
Students can be intentionally integrated across many attributes to ensure class discussions are rigorous and share multiple perspectives. Students can visit classmates far away and learn about their culture, customs, religion, etcetera. In a world that is becoming increasingly polarized, an education in VR can create some balance.
By early 2023, the cost of the equipment necessary to participate in a virtual reality based school will be less than $200 in equipment plus the cost of an internet connection. Whole new school models can be built around countless unique themes. All without many of the operational challenges of education (e.g. facilities, transportation) that typically inhibit replication of high performing schools
HTC, the Chinese hardware manufacturer, conducted a study of high performing and struggling students. They found that engagement and retention in VR based instruction went up among all students and long term memory for the material taught in VR increased substantially. The greatest beneficiaries were struggling students whose competency
increased from a C average with the in person instruction to an B+ average in the VR environment. In total, a virtual reality based environment will be a substantially better way to educate the next generation of students.
We recently launched the alpha (pre beta) of our VR platform and are now testing with students and teachers.
The National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) helps to fill the gap between the skills that the employers need and the skills that the student have. NATS helps to build a pool of talent that is ready for the Industry, provides training opportunities for wide-range of deciplines, including engineering, commerce, arts & humanities. NATS helps higher education institutions place their students in leading organizations for apprenticeship training.
At Counseling Shortcuts, We believe businesses can play a critically important role in helping fight climate change. We are proud to fund next generation carbon removal.