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Scholarships for Women

Female students make up the majority of college coeds, but many still struggle to afford tuition. That’s where scholarships created just for women can be helpful. These scholarships can help female students finance a college education so they don’t have to rely on student loans.

What are scholarships for women?

Scholarships for women are scholarships for which women may apply and can be used for tuition, room and board, textbooks, transportation and other related expenses. Some scholarships may only be given for one year, while others can be renewed for several years.

Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate school. Some scholarships may also be available for community college or vocational school and still others may be used toward certificate programs or programs such as coding bootcamps.

Many scholarships that are exclusively available to women are for students in a particular field, often one that has been historically male-dominated. For example, the W.I.S.E (Washington Women in STEM Excel) Scholarship is available to a woman from Washington who is interested in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM).

There may also be scholarships only for women from particular racial or ethnic minority groups. For example, the Esther Ngan-ling Chow and Mareyjoyce Green Scholarship is given to a female student who is also part of a marginalized racial or ethnic group.

Other awards may focus on women in difficult circumstances, like single mothers or women who are the first in their family to attend college. For example, the Elevate-A-Life Scholarship offers $20,000 per year for college tuition & childcare expenses. The scholarship is for 4 years or when you achieve your degree, whichever happens, sooner.

The Women’s Independence Scholarship Program (WISP) supports women who have survived domestic abuse and who are attending community college, vocational school or undergraduate school.

Female athletes may also find special scholarships that celebrate their physical accomplishments. For example, the Women’s Metropolitan Golf Association Foundation Scholarship is given to a female golfer who lives in New York City or on Long Island.

How to apply for scholarships for women

If you’re looking for scholarships for women, make sure to widen your search as much as possible. Use directories like Scholarships.com to find potential awards. You can also ask your high school guidance counselor for advice, particularly for local awards.

There are many general scholarships available for female students, but you should focus on finding awards that match your unique interests, talents and skills.

The key to winning any kind of scholarship is to find an award that you’re a good fit for and follow all the requirements. Make sure to read through the eligibility rules and materials at least a couple of times to ensure you understand everything. If you’re confused at any point, email the scholarship program coordinator.

Students often miss out on scholarship opportunities because they don’t take enough time to complete the essay, ultimately turning in a sub-standard application. The essay is your one chance to show how special you are – so don’t pass it up.

Even if you hate writing, make sure to allocate plenty of time to the essay portion of an application. Have someone you trust, like your English teacher, help to brainstorm your answer and outline a draft. Then, ask them to read through your first version before submitting it.

Frequently asked questions about scholarships for women

What are the best scholarships for women?

There are a number of scholarships for women that will cover a large percentage of the cost of attendance. For example, the Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador Scholarship offers a full-tuition scholarship for up to four years of undergraduate study. To enter, female students must record a video showing why they’re interested in STEM.

Do I need to fill out the FAFSA to qualify for scholarships for women?

Private scholarships given by for-profit or non-profit organizations may not require that students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualify. However, individual schools almost always require that students submit the FAFSA before they can be considered for internal scholarships and grants.

Even if you’re not required to complete the FAFSA for a private scholarship, you should still submit it to qualify for other types of financial aid.

What majors provide the most scholarship opportunities for women?

While there are many different kinds of scholarships for women, the most common tend to be for female students majoring in STEM, business or education. For example, the ESET Women in Cybersecurity Scholarship is available for both undergraduate and graduate female students who are interested in cybersecurity.

If you have a major outside of those areas, you should not give up on your search, just be aware that it may be a bit more difficult to find applicable scholarships.

Who are the largest scholarship providers for women?

The organizations that offer the largest scholarships exclusively for women include the American Association of University Women (AAUW), Miss America Teen Scholarships and the Women’s Independence Scholarship Program (WISP). It’s worth noting that scholarship availability and award amounts can change over time, so it’s always a good idea to check each organization’s website for the most up-to-date information.

Explore more scholarship categories

  • Scholarships for High School Seniors
  • STEM Scholarships
  • Undergraduate Scholarships
  • Easy Scholarships
  • Minority Scholarships

Irene Adler Prize

  • Application Deadline: 5/30/2023
  • Amount: $1,000
  • The Irene Adler Prize is open to women pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D degree in journalism, creative writing, or literature at a recognized post-secondary institution. In addition to the $1,000 US prize, up to two $250 honorable mentions will be awarded. Entry is free for applicants worldwide. (This marks a change from 2017 to 2022, when the prize was available exclusively to U.S. 

Girls for Gaming Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 5/31/2023
  • Amount: $2,500
  • The Girls for Gaming Scholarship is available for women students and early professionals (recent graduates within their first two years in the industry) pursuing a tech career in game development. Eligible applicants must: have at least a GPA of a 3.3; be at least 21 years old; and be a full-time undergraduate student or a graduate student attending an accredited college or university.

ConnectHER Film Festival

  • Application Deadline: 6/1/2023
  • Amount: $5,000
  • The ConnectHER Film Festival is an international youth competition that welcomes short films about issues that impact women and girls. Before making a film for submission, please read all of the following entry requirements and FAQs. Films must focus on one of our topic areas listed on our website. Categories include global girls’ education, women and work, ending violence against women.

M. Hildred Blewett Fellowship

  • Application Deadline: 6/1/2023
  • Amount: $45,000
  • The M. Hildred Blewett Fellowship is offered to female students to enable women to return to physics research careers after having had to interrupt those careers. The fellowship consists of a one-year award of up to $45,000. Allowed expenses include dependent care (limited to 50% of the award), salary, travel, equipment, and tuition and fees. Overhead charges by the institution are not allowed. 

Zonta Milwaukee Scholarships

  • Application Deadline: 6/1/2023
  • Amount: $1,000
  • Founded in 1919, Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. With more than 30,000 members belonging to more than 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 67 countries and geographic areas, Zontians all over the world volunteer their time, talents and support to local and international service projects.

Katie Cannon Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 6/1/2023
  • Amount: $3,000
  • The Katie Cannon Scholarship honors the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon, a pioneer and legend in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This scholarship supports Presbyterian women of color, clergywomen, college women and other women with opportunities for leadership and spiritual development as well as mission opportunities in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 

Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation Scholarships

  • Application Deadline: 6/5/2023
  • Amount: $2,500
  • Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation Scholarships are awarded to female with North American citizenship and a passion for a career or advancement in the automotive, mobility and its related industries. To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants should be already accepted to or enrolled in an accredited collegiate program, with a 3.0 or higher GPA and a citizen within North America. 

Women in Aerospace Foundation Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 6/13/2023
  • Amount: $5,000
  • The WIA Foundation is pleased to provide scholarships to women interested in a career in the aerospace field to pursue higher education degrees in engineering, math or science. Five merit-based awards ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 will be given to rising juniors and seniors in college, to be applied to the coming academic year.

The Woman’s Century Club Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 6/30/2023
  • Amount: $2,500
  • The Woman’s Century Club is a social club focused on women’s history, the arts, education, and community service. Our club provides a place of connection and inspiration for women of all generations and walks of life. We seek to honor the history and traditions of the past while investing in the young women of the future. 

Santa Rosa Ninety-Nines Aviation Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 7/1/2023
  • Amount: $4,000
  • Each year, the Santa Rosa chapter of the Ninety-Nines International Organization of Women Pilots awards a scholarship to a local woman pilot. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide funds to be used for a specific rating or certificate in flight training and/or continuing education to further the recipient’s pursuit of a career in aviation. Eligible applicants must be at least 17 years old.

AAUW Lew Williams Scholarship and Leila Sulkes Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 7/31/2023
  • Amount: $2,000
  • The Freehold Branch of AAUW will award two $2,000 scholarships – the Lew Williams Scholarship and the Leila Sulkes Scholarship – for the upcoming academic year. In order to apply, you must be a female at least 25 years of age; reside in one of the following communities: Colts Neck, Englishtown, Farmingdale, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Howell, Manalapan, Marlboro, Morganville.

Zonta Club Young Women in Public Affairs Award

  • Application Deadline: 8/1/2023
  • Amount: $40,000
  • The program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Zonta International offers 37 international awards of US$5,000. Each district/region may submit one applicant for consideration for an international scholarship. The five largest districts may submit a second applicant for a total of two applicants.

    The application process must start with a Zonta club.

NFWL Essay Student Scholarship Contest

  • Application Deadline: 8/1/2023
  • Amount: $5,000
  • NFWL has a long-standing tradition of supporting young women. Over the years, the scholarship has brought together some of the nation’s leading young scholars for a week of mentorship, learning, and growth. Scholarship winners have gone on to attend top universities, found non-profit organizations, and pursue their dream careers. During NFWL’s Annual Conference.

CWGCS Fellowship on Women & Public Policy

  • Application Deadline: 8/15/2023
  • Amount: $10,000
  • Are you a graduate student or mid-career professional seeking to develop and strengthen your leadership skills and broaden your public policy knowledge? Are you committed to positive social change and to advancing the well-being of all New Yorkers? If so, the Center for Women in Government & Civil Society invites you to apply to its Fellowship on Women & Public Policy program. Since 1983.

Betty Hansen Continuing Education/Cultural-Heritage Grant

  • Application Deadline: 8/31/2023
  • Amount: Varies
  • The Danish Sisterhood of America is very proud of its Scholarship and Grants Programs, which are available to members of the Danish Sisterhood and their children, regardless of age. Our scholarships and grants are made possible through generous endowments and memorial funds and are being supplemented by donations from individual members, lodges, and districts of the National Sisterhood.

Women Empowering Women Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 10/3/2023
  • Amount: $500
  • The Dearborn Community Foundation, Inc., (DCF) is a community foundation, tax-exempt public charity that enables individuals, families, businesses and organizations to fulfill their charitable wishes. DCF builds and safeguards endowments for the community through contributions large and small. The endowment contributions are permanently invested to produce earnings so that these charitable funds.

WTS Minnesota Dan Meyers High School Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 10/23/2023
  • Amount: $2,000
  • To fulfill its mission of advancing both the transportation industry and the professional women who lead it, WTS International gives members the necessary tools for success. WTS attracts, sustains, connects, and advances women’s careers to strengthen the transportation industry. The vision for WTS is equity and access for women in transportation. To achieve our shared vision of One WTS.

Mildred C. Hanson SIOR Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 10/31/2023
  • Amount: $8,000
  • Established in 2008, the Mildred C. Hanson, SIOR Memorial Fund has generously instituted an educational scholarship program intended to encourage and assist qualified female students in obtaining an education that will lead them into productive careers in the commercial real estate industry. The Mildred C. (Millie) Hanson, SIOR Memorial Fund.

AAUW International Project Grants

  • Application Deadline: 11/1/2023
  • Amount: $7,000
  • We’ve led the fight for fair pay and economic opportunity for women — and the battle continues: Women still get just 83 cents for every dollar paid to a man, and men continue to dominate the top roles and highest-paying professions. AAUW has awarded over $135 million in fellowships and grants to more than 13,000 scholars and organizations in 50 states, Washington, D.C.

AAUW Educational Foundation International Fellowships

  • Application Deadline: 11/15/2023
  • Amount: $50,000
  • International Fellowships have been in existence since 1917. The program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and who intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career. Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree by the application.

Helene M. Overly Memorial Graduate Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 11/21/2023
  • Amount: $5,000
  • WTS attracts, sustains, connects, and advances women’s careers to strengthen the transportation industry. Our success hinges on conducting ourselves in accordance with a set of core values- our operating principles- in everything we do. Together. The WTS Foundation awards scholarships to students pursuing careers in transportation through undergraduate and graduate programs.

WTS Leadership Legacy Scholarship for Graduates

  • Application Deadline: 11/21/2023
  • Amount: $5,000
  • WTS attracts, sustains, connects, and advances women’s careers to strengthen the transportation industry. Our success hinges on conducting ourselves in accordance with a set of core values- our operating principles- in everything we do. Together. The WTS Foundation awards scholarships to students pursuing careers in transportation through undergraduate and graduate programs.

USBC Alberta E. Crowe Star of Tomorrow Award

  • Application Deadline: 12/1/2023
  • Amount: $6,000
  • USBC is the National Governing Body for bowling and a membership organization that provides standardized rules, regulations and benefits. One of the great benefits of USBC Youth membership is the chance to earn college scholarships so you can pursue your dreams. More than $6 million in annual scholarships are awarded to youth bowlers each season based on academics.

Arizona BPW Foundation Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 12/15/2023
  • Amount: $3,000
  • The Arizona Business and Professional Women’s Foundation was founded in 1989, by the Arizona BPW Federation to support the financial needs of women seeking educational opportunities to improve their job opportunities. The first Foundation Scholarship was established in 1990 in honor of past National President, Dr. Dorine Chancellor. 

Civil Air Patrol William E. Hanna Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 12/31/2023
  • Amount: $5,000
  • Since Civil Air Patrol’s formation during the earliest days of World War II, this vigilant organization of citizen Airmen has been committed to service to America. Founded on Dec. 1, 1941, to mobilize the nation’s civilian aviation resources for national defense service.

ARRL Helen Laughlin AM Mode Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 1/4/2024
  • Amount: $1,000
  • The Helen Laughlin AM Mode Memorial Scholarship is an award with preference given to residents of Texas. If no qualified applicant is identified, preference will be given to residents of Arkansas. If no qualified applicant is identified, preference will be given to residents of the ARRL West Gulf (Texas, Oklahoma) or Delta (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee) Divisions.

Center for Women In Technology (CWIT) Scholars Program at UMBC

  • Application Deadline: 1/15/2024
  • Amount: $88,000
  • The Center for Women in Technology (CWIT, pronounced “see-wit”) is dedicated to increasing the representation of women in creating technology and in engineering and information technology fields. A successful program for female-friendly engineering and information technology education at UMBC will help make UMBC a destination for women (and their allies) interested in technical careers.

Mamie Earl Sells Scholarship Fund

  • Application Deadline: 1/18/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • The YWCA is on a mission. The mission of the YWCA is to empower women and eliminate racism. YWCA Greater Cincinnati reaches thousands of women, men and their families annually through critically needed programs that include two domestic violence shelters and transitional housing; prevention and intervention services; racial justice initiatives; the Career Women of Achievement Event.

Professional BusinessWomen of California Scholarship for Young Women

  • Application Deadline: 1/27/2024
  • Amount: $15,000
  • The Professional BusinessWomen of California (PBWC) is helping the female leaders of tomorrow begin their studies and careers with a community of support. Each year, PBWC is proud to honor female, California high school seniors with academic scholarships. Since 2003, PBWC has awarded nearly half a million dollars in scholarships to deserving young women. 

Society of Women Engineers – Lehigh Valley Section

  • Application Deadline: 1/29/2024
  • Amount: $5,000
  • Since 2001 a major focus of SWE-LV has been to distribute scholarships for high school senior women who intend to major in engineering at their respective college or university. Scholarship funds are provided by area businesses and all of the work for administration of the program is provided by SWE volunteers. Applicants must must be females graduating from high school who reside in areas.

Ellen M. Cherry-Delawder Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 1/30/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • Welcome to Financial Aid services for Howard Community College. We pride ourselves in providing tremendous value for your education investment, and we do everything we can to help you find ways to ensure that a college education is within reach. Helping you achieve your goals starts with helping you identify ways to pay for college. 

Irene and Daisy MacGregor Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 1/31/2024
  • Amount: $5,000
  • he Irene and Daisy MacGregor Memorial Scholarship is awarded to two students of high scholastic standing and character who have been accepted into or are pursuing an approved course of study to become a medical doctor (no pre-med, veterinarian or physician assistant) at an approved, accredited medical school. Renewal is conditional upon maintenance of a GPA of 3.25.

Leslie Andree Hanna Medical Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 1/31/2024
  • Amount: $5,000
  • A one-time preferred amount of $5,000 to a deserving female student who is a US citizen attending medical school. The selection process is based on academic merit with a minimum GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent GPA on the scale used by the applicable educational institution. The recipient may reapply for the scholarship each year, but is not guaranteed the award.

APS/IBM Research Internship for Undergraduate Women

  • Application Deadline: 1/31/2024
  • Amount: $8,000
  • The American Physical Society and IBM co-sponsor two undergraduate research internship programs: the APS/IBM Research Internship for Undergraduate Women, and the APS/IBM Research Internships for Underrepresented Minority Students. The goal of these internships is to encourage women and underrepresented minorities to pursue graduate studies in science and engineering. 

Kappa Kappa Gamma Scholarships

  • Application Deadline: 2/1/2024
  • Amount: $3,000
  • To help our members in their academic pursuits, the Kappa Foundation grants scholarships to hundreds of undergraduates and graduates every year. As our members strive to make a meaningful change in the world around them, we empower them to reach their full potential. It’s why our scholarships are built on a simple premise: encourage our sisters to reach their educational goals.

Beatrice F. Kroesche Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/1/2024
  • Amount: $8,000
  • The Beatrice F. Kroesche Memorial Scholarship is awarded to single parents who are enrolled in either the College of Education or the Department of English at the University of Utah. The selected student shall be in good standing within their area of study, carry a minimum of 12 hours of study and maintain a 3.0 GPA or better. The scholarship may be awarded to an incoming freshman.

Harriet Fitzgerald Scholarship for Women

  • Application Deadline: 2/1/2024
  • Amount: $10,000
  • If you are a high-achieving young woman looking for a living and learning community where you can develop your full potential, The Sunflower Initiative can help you make a choice that’s right for you. Our renewable annual scholarship can be applied at a women’s college that you choose to attend. In addition to our financial support, you will join a network of accomplished women who are passionate.

Amber Huber Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/1/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • CFNIL’s scholarship funds were created by donors that recognize the importance of helping students achieve their educational goals, now and in perpetuity. The funds’ creators selected the criteria based on their interests and the community’s need. Many of CFNIL’s scholarships are memorials, which celebrate the life and passions of individuals.

Carolyn Wones Recruitment Grant

  • Application Deadline: 2/1/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • CFNIL’s scholarship funds were created by donors that recognize the importance of helping students achieve their educational goals, now and in perpetuity. The funds’ creators selected the criteria based on their interests and the community’s need. Many of CFNIL’s scholarships are memorials, which celebrate the life and passions of individuals. 

Deborah Jean Rydberg Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/1/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • The Deborah Jean Rydberg Memorial Scholarship provides educational resources for Guilford High School students to pursue their dreams through higher education. Deborah Jean Rydberg was a coach, friend and mentor to the girls she coached in softball, basketball and volleyball at Guilford High School. Deb knew from an early age that she wanted to get a teaching degree.

Beta Gamma Recruitment Grant

  • Application Deadline: 2/1/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • The Beta Gamma Recruitment Grant was established to provide educational resources to female graduating seniors who are planning to enter the teaching profession. Applicant must be a female graduating senior from Boone or Winnebago County who is planning to enter the teaching profession. Applicants must also write an essay about their interest in becoming a teacher. 

Dr. Gussie M. Ware Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/1/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • CFNIL’s scholarship funds were created by donors that recognize the importance of helping students achieve their educational goals, now and in perpetuity. The funds’ creators selected the criteria based on their interests and the community’s need. Many of CFNIL’s scholarships are memorials, which celebrate the life and passions of individuals.

Junior League of the Great Lakes Bay Region Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/10/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • Education is vital to the growth and future of every community. Because of this, the Saginaw Community Founda­tion administers a variety of scholarship programs for high school, community college, university and vocational stu­dents. Since awarding our first $500 scholarship in 1987, the Saginaw Community Foundation has awarded more than $8 million in scholarships.

Judith Heavenrich Memorial Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/10/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • Education is vital to the growth and future of every community. Because of this, the Saginaw Community Founda­tion administers a variety of scholarship programs for high school, community college, university and vocational stu­dents. Since awarding our first $500 scholarship in 1987, the Saginaw Community Foundation has awarded more than $8 million in scholarships. 

Women Giving to Women Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/10/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • Education is vital to the growth and future of every community. Because of this, the Saginaw Community Founda­tion administers a variety of scholarship programs for high school, community college, university and vocational stu­dents. Since awarding our first $500 scholarship in 1987, the Saginaw Community Foundation has awarded more than $8 million in scholarships.

Dr Barbara Odom-Wesley Spirit of Achievement Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/14/2024
  • Amount: $3,000
  • Each year, the Arlington Foundation for Excellence in Education awards a variety of scholarships to high school and college/career students. Eligibility requirements are listed on each scholarship application. To be considered for a scholarship, the application and all supporting materials must be submitted by the stated deadline. 

Daughters of the Cincinnati Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/15/2024
  • Amount: $20,000
  • The Daughters of the Cincinnati have contributed generously to the scholarship fund for over a century. Applicants must be daughters of career commissioned officers in the United States military. If eligible, applicants apply during their senior year in high school. The application process includes an essay, secondary school report, a letter of recommendation from a member of the applicant’s.

NDSGC Lillian Goettler Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/15/2024
  • Amount: $2,500
  • The NDSGC has established the prestigious Lillian Goettler Space Grant Award for a female student at North Dakota State University. Applicants must be majoring in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) field, provide transcripts that demonstrate a 3.5 GPA, and be US citizens. Applicants will ideally be involved in a research project of NASA relevance.

NDSGC Pearl I. Young Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/15/2024
  • Amount: $2,500
  • The NDSGC has established the prestigious Pearl I. Young Space Grant Award for a student at the University of North Dakota. Applicants will ideally be involved in a research project of NASA relevance. Eligible applicants must have a female gender identity or outside the gender binary, be majoring in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) field, provide transcripts.

Pepperdine University Helen Young Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/15/2024
  • Amount: $5,000
  • Helen Young Scholarships are provided to Pepperdine students in the amount of $5,000 each year. Initial scholarship awards are only given to incoming freshmen and transfer students. A renewal application must be submitted annually by students receiving the scholarship to be considered for funding each year. Only a handful are awarded each year to the most committed and active Church of Christ.

Jeannette Rankin National Scholar Grant

  • Application Deadline: 2/17/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • Our vision is to inspire a better world by empowering women through education. Receiving a Scholar Grant is much more than a financial reward. Grant recipients enter a Sisterhood of JRF Scholars, where they have access to coaching, case management and the support of alumnae and others who are actively transforming their futures. 

Alumnae Panhellenic Association of Washington, DC Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/22/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • Take a moment to think about the impact your collegiate experience has had on your life. If you are like most alumnae, being in Greek Life has made a lasting impression and created a lifelong network of friends and sisterhood. Now, you have a chance to help others do the same. Each year, the Washington, DC Alumnae Panhellenic Association presents a scholarship to young women who have demonstrated.

Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/23/2024
  • Amount: $1,000
  • The American Statistical Association (ASA) is the world’s largest community of statisticians, the “Big Tent for Statistics.” It is the second-oldest, continuously operating professional association in the country. Since it was founded in Boston in 1839, the ASA has supported excellence in the development, application, and dissemination of statistical science through the following: meetings.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Women’s Network ERG Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/24/2024
  • Amount: $5,000
  • Employee Resource Groups not only help bring our employees together, but provide an essential bridge of communication to our customers, regardless of culture, age, gender or other defining elements. As part of the support these groups provide to the communities we serve, ERGs offer scholarship opportunities for those pursuing higher education.

Red Thread Foundation Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/28/2024
  • Amount: $1,000
  • We are a group of women from diverse corners of the world, ranging from Europe to Africa, from Asia to Latin America. We represent former international students, immigrants, and first generation Americans who have benefitted tremendously from the academic and professional support we have received. Now, we are eager to extend mentorship and scholarship support to women who draw strength.

SVCF Marie A. Calderilla Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 2/28/2024
  • Amount: $20,000
  • The Marie A. Calderilla Scholarship was created to enable women to pursue courses of study that they would otherwise be unable to follow due to limited financial means. The selection committee looks for academic promise, women who have demonstrated a commitment to completing a degree or certificate program or to increasing their work skills, and personal characteristics such as honesty.

Elms College STEM Scholarships

  • Application Deadline: 3/1/2024
  • Amount: $40,000
  • Elms College is a modern part of a living tradition established over 300 years ago by the Sisters of St. Joseph — a bold group of devout, progressive changemakers. We are dedicated to providing a rigorous education animated by a community where all are welcome. Elms is a private college that strives to be accessible to all. We believe education is not an end in itself.

GRCF U-M Alumnae Club (University of Michigan) Scholarship

  • Application Deadline: 3/1/2024
  • Amount: Varies
  • Applicants for the U-M Alumnae Club (University of Michigan) Scholarship must be a female undergraduate or graduate level student entering the 2nd year or above at the University of Michigan, with a permanent residency (3 year minimum) in Kent or adjoining counties of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, or Ottawa. Must have financial need and a minimum 3.0 GPA. 

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