offers students the ability to quickly and efficiently search for scholarships based on their individual characteristics; talents they may have, desired major(s), sports, etc. However, these tend to be limited to students with some high school experience – those who have a substantial history academically and otherwise for easier selection and matching. What about those ambitious middle school students and elementary school children who have already begun to seriously think about their post-secondary education and beyond? Don’t worry, we’ve got some free information and links for those students, too!
Scholarships for Children Under 13
Action for Nature Eco-Hero Awards
Action For Nature (AFN), a non-profit organization, has created the International Young Eco-Hero Awards to recognize and reward the successful individual environmental initiatives of young people ages 8 to 16. AFN encourages young people around the world to carry out individual environmental action projects. We believe that young people can have a positive impact on the environment and are vital in changing the way we live on our planet.
The Angela Award
This award honors one female student in grades 5–8, who is involved in or has a strong connection to science. The award has been established in honor of Gerry Wheeler, Executive Director Emeritus, and his outstanding dedication to NSTA and lifelong commitment to science education. Eligibility: Any female student in grades 5–8 who is a resident of the United States, US Territories, or Canada, and is enrolled in full time public, private, or home school. NSTA employees, NSTA Board and Council members, award judges, and their immediate families are NOT eligible to apply.
Award: $1,000 US EE Savings Bond or Canadian Savings Bond purchased for the equivalent issue price. The awardee will be honored at the Teacher Awards Banquet at NSTA’s National Conference.
Christopher Columbus Awards
The Christopher Columbus Awards is a national, community-based science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) program for middle school students. The program challenges the students to work in teams of three to four, with an adult coach, to identify a problem in their community and apply the scientific method to create an innovative solution to that problem.
Eight finalist teams and their coaches will participate in the National Championship Event and compete for valuable scholarships and the Columbus Foundation Community Grant, plus a $200 development grant to further refine their idea.
The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes celebrates outstanding young leaders. Each year the Barron Prize honors 25 inspiring young people who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. These young people reflect great diversity: They are female and male, urban and rural, and from many races and backgrounds. The Prize was founded by author T. A. Barron in 2000 in honor of his mother.